Researchers Discover Endangered Myristica Swamp Forest in Maharashtra


                    Researchers near the Goa-Maharashtra border have recently discovered a sacred Myristica swamp forest in Kumbral, Maharashtra. This finding highlights the importance of local communities in preserving rare ecosystems. Sacred groves like this are often protected due to cultural beliefs, in this case, tied to the reverence of Lord Shiva, locally known as Bhalandeshwar.
What Is Myristica magnifica?

         Myristica magnifica is an endangered plant species mainly found in Karnataka and Kerala. It plays a key role in the ecosystem, providing food for wildlife, including the threatened hornbill birds. This tree is part of the nutmeg family and can grow up to 50 meters tall. Though its seeds resemble nutmeg, they are not as commercially valuable. Its wood is used locally, and the tree’s essential oil has potential in aromatherapy.

Significance of Discovery

      This discovery makes Kumbral the second village in Maharashtra, after Hewale-Bambarde in Sindhudurg, to have a Myristica swamp forest. The village community has long protected this area, considering it sacred and associated with Lord Shiva (known locally as Bhalandeshwar). The community’s efforts have helped preserve this endangered ecosystem.The grove in Kumbral covers 8,200 square meters and is home to 39 different plant species. Within the grove, there is a 770 square meter area specifically dedicated to the swamp forest, which contains 70 Myristica magnifica trees. This forest provides essential ecosystem services such as:Groundwater recharge (helping store water in the ground)Carbon sequestration (absorbing carbon dioxide from the air)
Flood mitigation (helping reduce flooding)

Research and Documentation

       The research was led by Pravin Desai, along with Vishal Sadekar and Shital Desai, and their findings were published in the Journal of Threatened Taxa. The study shows that this freshwater ecosystem is essential for many species, including the vulnerable Asian short-clawed otter, and supports a wide range of wildlife.

Conservation Importance

        Preserving the Myristica swamp forest is vital for maintaining the ecological balance in the Western Ghats, a biodiversity hotspot. Conservationists are advocating for stronger protection measures because of the forest’s irreplaceable benefits to the environment and its role in supporting local wildlife.


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